And it came to pass, when the days were well-nigh come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem - Luke 9:51 ASV
I have spent a few days trying to find the best translation to help me understand this verse. Some put that He was 'determined to go to Jerusalem' (NASB), others that He 'resolutely set out for Jerusalem' (NIV) or He 'made up His mind to go to Jerusalem' (CEV), but I haven't been able to get the image of setting His face out of my mind because many translations use that language or language similar to describe this event. The above descriptions have assisted me in understanding what to set one's face means but I still think the true meaning eludes me. The best that I can describe it is that this was a stake in the ground moment. Jesus resolutely, or steadfastly, or with determination, prepared Himself for what was to come. I am sure the disciples were not prepared for what Jesus was about to walk in to, I know I wouldn't have been, but they would have recognised a shift in his attitude. What lay before Him was dark and troubling, although necessary, so He had to prepare. Perhaps this is one of the first recordings of visualisation or mental preparation, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, Jesus was not shying away from the task ahead. He had fixed His eyes on Jerusalem and that was where He was heading, not matter what would come across His path.
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